Haywood Concrete Products manufactures and installs a wide variety of precast concrete products as well as providing transportation and installation services. Commercial, multi-family residential and agricultural building construction is an ideal fit for precast concrete building solutions. Precast construction offers fast, economical, and efficient solutions to a wide range of construction needs.

High strength reinforced and pre-stressed concrete components make products suitable for agricultural, commercial, residential or industrial usage buildings and venues as well as parkades, bridges and other large infrastructure projects.
A precast building system can incorporate both beams and columns as the primary structural gravity support. Precast Double Tees are a pre-stressed concrete product used primarily in parking structures and also in floor and roofing systems. Precast concrete hollow core slabs are used in structural floor systems where limited head room is available.
Pre-cast concrete wall panels can be built in various different forms. Insulated wall panels are generally used for walls on the outside of the building. Precast insulated wall panels meet the new energy code based on different R-values as determined by the architect. A rigid polystyrene insulation ranges in thickness from 3-5 depending on the contents of your building and lies between two reinforced (or stressed) concrete panels.
A precast building system can incorporate both beams and columns as the primary structural gravity support. Geometry plays a strong role in determining the most appropriate shape and length of the beams for any building. Beams are built either as rectangular or Inverted T shapes and are typically 24' wide but can vary based on design.
Precast Double Tees are a pre-stressed concrete product used primarily in parking structures and also in floor and roofing systems. They provide superior strength over long spans and are ideal for structures with limited head room for support structures such as beams and columns. The steel form finish of the Double Tee provides a smooth and consistent finish on the underside for an aesthetically pleasing finished product.
Precast concrete hollowcore slabs are used in structural floor systems where limited head room is available. Using precast hollowcore products allows for quicker construction schedules, which is ideal for short summer construction seasons. Producing hollowcore concrete in our heated facility allows for better control of placement, curing and quality during winter construction projects.
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