Caliber Mudjacking is experienced in both mudjacking and polyurethane foam concrete lifting methods, with 28 years of concrete lifting experience and 34 years in the concrete industry. Caliber Mudjacking Ltd is a family owned business started in 1985 and have been serving Grande Prairie, AB and the Peace Region Since 1994.
Educating customers about the process of raising sunken concrete and which method of concrete lifting is best suited for their job. Education for maintenance and steps to take with your concrete after the job is lifted back to its intended use to prevent further settlement or heaving in the winter months.
Educating customers about the process of raising sunken concrete and which method of concrete lifting is best suited for their job. Education for maintenance and steps to take with your concrete after the job is lifted back to its intended use to prevent further settlement or heaving in the winter months.
Caliber Construction Ltd is a family-owned business started in 1985 in Edmonton, AB by Terry and Teresa Lummerding doing concrete flatwork. In 1991 Caliber Construction began raising sunken concrete a.k.a mudjacking in the Edmonton area. Present, Caliber Mudjacking continues to raise sunken concrete with both mudjacking and polyurethane foam concrete lifting methods, along with doing concrete maintenance and repair services.
Understanding about concrete problems & maintenance to properly maintain sunken concrete that has been lifted back to its original height will help you understand the problems that occur in the peace region/north country and make a quality concrete lifting job last for years. Settlement is caused by poor compaction, unstable soils, swampy ground conditions, clay soils, water, and time.