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Secure what 2FA leaves vulnerable. Complete Logon Security, Alerts, Monitoring and Threat Detection for Microsoft Exchange Servers. Real-time collection of logon information for the most widely used, and often unprotected, messaging protocols. OWA Desktop and ActiveSend provide a fast and seamless Outlook Web experience on Microsoft Windows workstations.

These two products make Outlook Web more like Outlook and enable OWA to be the Windows default mail client. Organizations can leverage all the benefits of cloud-based email, without the transitional headaches. It's customizable, easy to deploy, flexible-and best of all it saves real money. Windows Desktop Control and Integration with Office Applications.

All Outlook platforms and mobile devices. Email Forms, Email Templates, Mail Notifications, Calendar Reminders, and more. On-premises Applications and Add-ins that bring improved convenience, productivity and functionality to the Outlook, Outlook Web and Outlook Mobile user. Empower your front-line staff to send more powerful and effective emails, with minimal effort.
Founded in 1993, Messageware has been a trusted Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and a Global Exchange ISV for over 15 years. Our Outlook Web Access enhancements and security solutions are used by organizations throughout the world to secure, enhance, and customize Outlook Web App/Access. Our customers range in size from the largest corporations to small and medium size enterprises in all services and industries.
Messageware offers organizations using Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange on-premises Applications and Add-ins that bring improved convenience, productivity and functionality to the Outlook, Outlook Web and Outlook Mobile user. Messageware designs and builds products with the functionality most requested by Exchange mail users.
We've prepared this security checklist to help you test against 12 of the more common Outlook Web security threats and ensure your Microsoft Exchange deployment is protected and secure. Are you giving your Outlook Web users the best experience? This eBook will help overcome some of the key issues faced by organizations moving from desktop Outlook while improving the Outlook Web experience for all users.
Empower your customer-facing staff to send more powerful and effective emails, with minimal effort. Ensure effective business communication and improve customer-facing productivity. Users can quickly select professional email messages from a library created by your best communicators. Make your message unique and personalized with customer specific information, such as customer's name and other details that connect with the recipient.
Messageware Exchange Protocol Guard (EPG) provides on-premises Microsoft Exchange with enhanced security through real-time collection of logon information, analysis, threat detection, and security controls for six of the most widely used messaging protocols.
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