G I T Security
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You want to contact our team? GIT SECURITY reaches all decision makers involved in investment - in purchasing, through specialist departments and up to management level, in the private as well as in the public sector. This publication speaks to the whole distribution channel, from the manufacturer and all kinds of distributors along to the end-users.

The magazine deals with the diversity and complexity of safety and security topics and covers them in regular sections: Management, Security, Information Technology, Fire Protection and Safety. Decision makers and opinion leaders inform themselves with GIT SECURITY about market news, products, companies, applications and trends.

With its 20,000 printed copies and a qualified circulation (IVW-audited) GIT SECURITY is the magazine with the highest circulation in the EMEA region. The outstanding high market penetration and the exceptional editorial quality combined with a big variety of online information services, e.g. this portal, the product platform www.
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