Inland Comfort Air Conditioning
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Done right, it can prevent interruption of service & extend the life of your HVAC systems. We use only hi-efficiency progressive density air filters to ensure comfort & overall system efficiency. Even with proper Planned Maintenance, equipment will sooner or later experience trouble. When this happens we respond in a timely & professional manner, with well stocked service trucks & an experienced mechanic.

An average lifespan for HVAC equipment is 25 years. As it ages repair costs rise & efficiency drops (just like your car)- we recommend a pro-active approach with phased replacement of older HVAC equipment. Call for pricing. Indoor Air Quality is a growing concern. With the realization that we work & live inside spaces that can become unhealthy, have come new IAQ guidelines.

We offer testing using certified & calibrated instrumentation. Today's HVAC equipment can be quite complicated. As with any complicated equipment, a proper start-up & commissioning is critical to longevity & efficiency.
We agree to perform inspection and maintenance services for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of this agreement. The term of this agreement shall be automatically renewable, unless cancelled by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice. Prices will be revised on the anniversary date and are subject to Inland Comfort Air Conditioning Limited providing sixty (60) days prior written notice of such revision.
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