FM Page is operating under normal business hours. Our crew wear masks and use industrial strength hand sanitizer, and keep to the social distance requirements as laid out by the gov. We understand that you might need to repair your current chain link fence, or you may be considering erecting a fence yourself.
Now you can repair or build your own chain link fence using supplies from FM Page. We have the supplies available for curbside pick, as well as guidelines on how to set your posts and erect your fence. We ask that if you plan on coming to pick up your fencing supplies that you please wear a mask and use the hand sanitizer that is provided.
We are grateful for your continued support. F.M. Page and Sons is a full service fencing company who has been proud to serve the greater Hamilton Area for over 60 years. Specializing in chain link, ornamental iron and temporary fencing, F.M. Page provides high quality fencing products for Residential, Industrial, Commercial and Recreational purposes.
Now you can repair or build your own chain link fence using supplies from FM Page. We have the supplies available for curbside pick, as well as guidelines on how to set your posts and erect your fence. We ask that if you plan on coming to pick up your fencing supplies that you please wear a mask and use the hand sanitizer that is provided.
We are grateful for your continued support. F.M. Page and Sons is a full service fencing company who has been proud to serve the greater Hamilton Area for over 60 years. Specializing in chain link, ornamental iron and temporary fencing, F.M. Page provides high quality fencing products for Residential, Industrial, Commercial and Recreational purposes.
Commencing business in 1945, Frank Page started a chain link installation company representing the Frost Fence line of fencing products. For more than a decade Frank managed and grew F.M Page until his son Jack Page took managing control of the company in 1959. In 1966, Art O'Connor, then a sales representative for Frost Fence, purchased F.M. Page and moved it to it's present location on Biggar Avenue.
Chain link fencing is practical in design and economical in cost. It's mostly praised for it's high durability. Landscaping, scrubs, hedges, trees placed near a chain link fence work as privacy elements. Chain link fencing is commonly available galvanized, which makes it silver in appearance. Chain Link is also available in vinyl coated.
For more than 60 Years Industrial & Commercial fencing has been our mainstay. From Stelco & Dofasco, McMaster University, school boards and The City Of Hamilton, F.M. Page has secured properties, businesses and provided peace of mind. Our industrial & commercial fence line consists of #1 Quality Galvanized or Vinyl Chain Link Fence.
Attractive Designs, Quality Workmanship and Lasting Beauty are the hallmark of F.M. Page residential fence installation. Whether you are looking to protect your children, animals, your property or fence in your pool, chainlink fences are the most economical and adhere to your city specifications. As a family-owned business, customer satisfaction is our top priority.
We take pride in providing excellent service in delivering, setting up and removing temporary fence panels. Our company can accommodate fence rental needs for special events, construction sites and for overall security. Our professional crews will deliver and set up your fence and pick it up when you are done.