Clear Reflections Window Cleaning in Enderby BC, serves the entire North Okanagan region from Vernon to Salmon Arm. We specialize in window washing, gutter cleaning and exterior power washing. With a decade of experience in their industry and the latest equipment in power washing tools, we refresh your home into a clean, new look.
Using the newest in window cleaning technology for a better environment, Clear Reflections Window Cleaning uses a special filter that purifies the water so that no soap is needed. The water has no minerals or chlorine so your windows are left crystal clear without damaging the biology of your property.
Enjoy the privilege of sparkling windows completely hassle free. Window screens are an important addition to our homes, especially in the spring and summer seasons when biting insects are a problem. But, making those dirty screens look exceptionally clean is not an easy task without the right equipment and time to do a.
Using the newest in window cleaning technology for a better environment, Clear Reflections Window Cleaning uses a special filter that purifies the water so that no soap is needed. The water has no minerals or chlorine so your windows are left crystal clear without damaging the biology of your property.
Enjoy the privilege of sparkling windows completely hassle free. Window screens are an important addition to our homes, especially in the spring and summer seasons when biting insects are a problem. But, making those dirty screens look exceptionally clean is not an easy task without the right equipment and time to do a.
Clear Reflections Window Cleaning in Enderby BC, is a small family owned company that had its beginning in 2008. Both my wife and I have successfully grown our glass cleaning company over the years to be able to service not only Enderby but nearby communities including Salmon Arm, Blind Bay, Sicamous, Mable Lake, Armstrong, Vernon and all points in between.
Clear Reflections Window Cleaning arrives on time or you get $50.00 off your bill! We clean windows, siding and gutters throughout the entire North Okanagan region in BC from Vernon to Salmon Arm. Love the way your windows look or you don't pay a dime! Exterior-Only Window Cleaning is our no-frills glass cleaning service.
I had Tim clean my windows twice in 2015 and am looking forward to getting them done again this spring. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical when he wasn't drying them, but that fear was soon put to rest when I saw the amazing results! I hope you aren't offended by this next part, Tim and I don't think you will be, but I have to say it.