Matrix Energy
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Matrix Energy Inc. has been providing building-integrated solar heating systems since 1990 that reduce energy costs and carbon emissions while improving indoor air quality. To date we have supplied over 500,000 square feet of wall mounted collector area spanning solar air heating projects in Canada, the United States and Europe supplying nearly 3,000,000 CFM of pre-heated ventilation air.

We manufacture architectural, solar thermal systems under the MatrixAir(R) name including facade-mounted absorber systems using transpired or backpass solar air heating technology that reduce heating costs and improve indoor air quality in new or existing buildings in the industrial, institutional, commercial or agricultural applications.

In warmer climates, our transpired solar collectors are used in process applications such as crop drying where large volumes of hot, dry air are required. Our modular, roof mounted MatrixAir(R) Delta solar air heating system operates at an industry leading 89% efficiency to deliver volumes of preheated air to roof top HVAC units.
A Canadian manufacturer of wall mounted, building integrated solar air heating systems Matrix Energy has been providing aesthetic, renewable solutions for commercial, industrial, institutional and agricultural applications around the world since 1990. Overall, buildings account for more than 40 percent of total energy consumption in North America and upwards of 85 percent of this energy comes from non-renewable, fossil fuels.
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