TPH was established in 1986 by Luc Taillefer who has over 35 years of expertise in the plumbing and mechanical industry. TPH responds to 97% of all emergency calls within the hour, 24/7, nights, weekends and holidays. Our team consists of 25+ plumbers and our staff is well trained on new equipment, tools, techniques and safety procedures.
To save our customers time and money, we offer a wide range of regular & specialized services such as: Steam trap testing, boiler replacement, coils repair, medical gases, etc. Our technicians are certified to design, install natural gas and oil systems as well as test and repair Backflow Preventers (BFP).
We can design and engineer new construction projects, upgrade and retrofit existing equipment and systems, as well as service and repair your existing equipment. With experienced staff and highly qualified technicians, TPH is a strong, professional team that consistently meets and exceeds customer requirements and expectations.
To save our customers time and money, we offer a wide range of regular & specialized services such as: Steam trap testing, boiler replacement, coils repair, medical gases, etc. Our technicians are certified to design, install natural gas and oil systems as well as test and repair Backflow Preventers (BFP).
We can design and engineer new construction projects, upgrade and retrofit existing equipment and systems, as well as service and repair your existing equipment. With experienced staff and highly qualified technicians, TPH is a strong, professional team that consistently meets and exceeds customer requirements and expectations.